Friday, September 30, 2011

Why Do I Need a Healthcare Power of Attorney or Living Will?

At M&A, we find that many people who come to see us don't understand why it is necessary to have a Healthcare Power of Attorney and a Living Will. So, we're here to share a juicy legal tid-bit on why it is SO important to have these documents in place.
Healthcare Powers of Attorney allow you to name primary and alternative agents to make health care decisions for you when you are not able to make the decisions on your own. This document also sets forth important guidelines for your agent to follow in making healthcare decisions for you. 
Now, you may be thinking, "if I were in a situation where I was unable to make my own healthcare decisions, my family would be able agree on a course of action and would to take care of making those decisions for me." This may be the case for some of you. But, what if your family members did not agree on the best course of action? What if you were in a coma, with no hope of recovery, kept alive only by artificial life prolonging measures - but because of your family's indecision, you remained in a vegetative state indefinitely while they argued over the agonizing decision to remove life support? This situation is entirely possible. (see Terri Shaivo case) 
A Healthcare Power of Attorney and a Living Will can provide a directive to your Health Care Provider not to artificially sustain life when there is no hope of recovery. This is a ‘pull the plug’ directive so that you will not live on  for years in a vegetative state. Healthcare Providers also require a Living Will  when you are hospitalized. 
If you would like to take care of making these important decisions now so that your family doesn't have to agonize over them, contact us today to have us prepare your Healthcare Power of Attorney and Living Will! (702) 731-2333 or!

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