Wednesday, August 31, 2011

M&A Announces Expansion of Our Office

We are so pleased to announce that M&A is expanding! For those of you who have been to our office and seen our employees crammed into every nook and cranny, you know how exciting this is for us. We have expanded our office to include the entire West wing of our building. We will have room for new reception area with a private entrance, a file/copy room, some new attorney offices, a large conference room, additional signing rooms and a large workshop room!  Our reception area will now be located on the South side of our building. We plan to have a formal opening for our new office, which will be announced in the near future. And although we are still a work in progress at this point, feel free to stop by for an informal tour our office anytime. You are always welcome!

Estate Planning Workshops

We'd like to announce the dates for our upcoming Estate Planning 101 Workshop-Saturday, September 17th at 10am and Thursday, September 29th at 6pm. These presentations will be held at our office. There is no charge for the workshop and those attend will receive a $200 Gift Certificate towards estate planning services. Contact us to reserve your spot today!
Click to Enlarge Image

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Living Trusts remedy many legal issues

Do home-builders only use a hammer and nails to build a home? No! There are many different tools that are appropriate and beneficial to use when building a home. Like a home-builder, M&A uses many different tools or instruments to solve legal issues that naturally arise in life. Living Trusts are one of the most powerful and versatile tools we have in our tool belt. They remedy all kinds of problems:

If you are concerned about any of the issues mentioned above, contact us today to schedule a design consultation. We will design a plan to appropriately address and resolve your concerns AND that will fit your budget. How Much Do Estate Plans Cost?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fiddler on the Roof-Super Summer Theater

M&A Staff are heading over to the Super Summer Theater on Friday, August 19th to watch Fiddler on the Roof. Performances at Spring Mountain Ranch in the Red Rock Canyon have been taking place every summer since 1976. For $12-15, patrons of the theater can bring a picnic dinner, sit on either blankets or chairs on the grassy hill and enjoy the magic of an outdoor musical. Come enjoy the stars, cool air and a wonderful show with us!

One of Our Favorite Resources-Karen Wilkes

We would like to introduce you to another one of Our Favorite Resources-Karen Wilkes. Karen Wilkes was first woman appointed by State Farm as an agent in the City of Las Vegas, and has been an agent with State Farm continuously for 30 years, helping clients with all insurance needs, including car and home-owner's insurance; life and health insurance; retirement planning and offering financial services such as State Farm bank C.D’s and Mutual funds. 
She is a native Nevadan, raised in Pioche, Nevada. She received a Bachelor of Arts from University of Nevada at Reno, so Nevada is deep in her heart. She has enjoyed serving on several boards, such as Opus Dance Ensemble Board of Directors for 8 years; and for the State of Nevada Accountancy Board for 3 years. She is currently doing volunteer work for the Shannon Ford Center for Independent Living, shelter for homeless teens.
We have had the opportunity to work with Karen in a professional realm and have been impressed with her knowledge and personal care.  We are so grateful to know her and would not hesitate a moment to refer our friends to her.

Contact her at:
(702) 870-9004 or

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Out of a job? We can help you start your own company!

Many people are out of work.  The economy is so bad that people are getting pre-declined credit cards in the mail; when you get your check returned from the bank marked “insufficient funds” you have to call the bank and ask them if they mean you or them; parents in Beverly Hills and Malibu are firing their nannies and learning their children’s names.  Yes, times are tough.

We can help you create your own job by going into business for yourself. We help create and build small businesses – the backbone of our economy. We could use a little backbone these days. Remember – you can still make your way in the dark, if you have a bright idea. Call us today for a consultation!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our Favorite Things-Granny's Gourmet Farmer's Market

At M&A, we like to support our local community by sharing information about good things-be it places, people or activities to do here in Vegas when we come across them. So, here is our first spotlight on One of Our Favorite Things: Granny's Gourmet Farmer's Market. Granny's was opened in January of this year by Vince and his sister Cheryl. They stock fresh fruits and vegetables from local Southwest farms alongside the most creative isle of preserves and candies you've ever seen! They boast that all their recipes are handed down by their family from the1800s! You can also stop in for salad and sandwiches to go and take a look at their Southwest gift shop at the same time. They get shipments of fresh fruits and vegetables every week. Their hours of operation are Tues-Friday, 10-5pm, Saturday 10-4pm. When you visit Granny's, Vince and Cheryl will tell you all about their products and where they come from-they even plan to have a day each week where their farmers will come in to answer any questions you might have about their produce. These are definitely the most hospitable grocers we've ever encountered. We have been so delighted to discover this tucked away treasure and are happy now to share it with you. They are located at 3315 E. Russell, A-5, Las Vegas, Nevada 89120.  Stop in and visit Granny's today!
(702) 458-9110

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Estate Planning Helps Avoid Foster Care Situations

How? If the unthinkable happens – both parents died and they had not taken the time to prepare their Wills naming guardians for their children – there could be a battle between the families over who gets the children.  While the battle is going on and the Judge is trying to decide where the best place is for the children, he may put them into a foster home pending his decision.

Remember –  Tragedy is not always avoidable, but adding further heartache and turmoil is.  Where there’s a Will there’s a way to assure a child of the security of home they are familiar with.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


JTWROS. What does it stand for? JOINT TENANCY WITH RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP. These are powerful words in the legal and title industries - almost magical. It means that if these words are present in the title of a document - the moment a co-owner dies, his/her ownership interest in that title vanishes with them. The surviving owner or owners get all of the decedents interests automatically and without probate. It's a very efficient way to avoid probate - but a very dangerous legal potion, if these magical words are not used with knowledge and skill. Why? Because it is also a very efficient way of unknowingly disinheriting a loved-one or of giving Uncle Sam a gift called a gift tax or of giving a creditor a fast track to your assets even if it's not your debt. Hmm. Maybe there's a better way to avoid probate. Call us and ask about a Living Trust. It's even more powerful.
-Paul Michaelson